
Love U Community Frequently Asked Questions

About the Love U Community:

What is the Love U Community?

The Love U Community is a monthly subscription program that helps smart, strong, successful women like you navigate dating, relationships, and men. With a supportive community, expert coaching, and practical resources, it’s designed to help you attract the love you deserve.

How is this different from the original Love U?

Previously, Love U was a six-month group coaching program with a structured curriculum. The new membership model allows you to access ongoing monthly content, coaching, and community support at your own pace, without the pressure of completing it within a set timeline. You now have access to our private network of smart, successful women as well as the ability to get help from me directly.

What do I get as a member?

As a Love U member, you’ll receive:

  • Access to the Love U Curriculum: Videos, audios, and transcripts on dating, relationships, confidence, and commitment.
  • Access to all EMK digital programs, including Why He Disappeared, Believe in Love, Finding the One Online, FOCUS Coaching, and the Love U Coaching Library.
  • Exclusive Community Access: Join like-minded women for daily support, advice, and encouragement.
  • Live Monthly Q&A with Evan Marc Katz: Get your dating and relationship questions answered.
  • Guided Monthly Focus Topics: Intentional discussions to help you progress toward your goals.
  • Sneak Peeks and Early Access: Exclusive previews of Love U Group Coaching content and Love U podcasts.
Who is Love U Membership for?

Love U is for any woman who wants to:

  • Build confidence and attract high-value, emotionally available men.
  • Break patterns of unhealthy relationships.
  • Set boundaries and communicate effectively.
  • Navigate dating and relationships with ease.
  • Get custom advice from the world’s first dating coach.
  • Make friends and feel like part of a community on your journey

Whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship, the Love U Community provides tools tailored to your journey.

What happens if I join but don’t have active dating opportunities?

The Love U Community is a resource you can use anytime. Focus on building confidence, understanding men, and refining your relationship skills now, so you’re prepared when opportunities arise in the future.

How is the Love U Community different from other dating forums?

Members can submit questions during the live monthly Q&A sessions or post in the private community for advice and support from me and other Love U members. This is different from Love U Live coaching, where I meet with a small group of women on Zoom for two hours every Tuesday night. The Love U Community mostly takes place online.

Will this help me if I’ve been hurt or feel jaded about love?

Yes. Love U starts with building confidence and healing past wounds. Most women join feeling burned out and find renewed optimism and clarity about their love life.

How do I ask questions or get personal guidance?

Members can submit questions during the live monthly Q&A sessions or post in the private community for advice and support from Evan and other Love U members.

The Love U Community sounds great but what if I need more support from Evan? Can I upgrade to more personalized coaching?

Yes. Members have the opportunity to explore additional coaching options, including group coaching, private coaching, and retreats. Prices start at $1500/month.

What makes Love U Membership different from free dating advice online?

You’re not just on a Facebook group asking random questions to random women. The Love U Community is filled with smart, successful women who have taken my Love U course, found love, and came back to support other women. You not only get access to a comprehensive, proven system which has helped over 13,000 women, but you’ll get structure, accountability, and the ability to ask me questions. 

About the commitment:

How does the membership work?

The Love U Community is a monthly subscription with a six month commitment so you have an opportunity to go through Love U, implement the advice, and see tangible results. You may discover you like being part of a community, enjoy the live Q&A sessions with me, and want to continue, or you can cancel at any point in time after six months.

Is this suitable for busy women?

Absolutely! Love U is designed for flexibility. Most videos and exercises take just 5 minutes, so you can easily fit them into your schedule. Live sessions are recorded and available on-demand, so you never miss out.

Can you finish the Love U curriculum in less than 6 months?

Love U is not something that you can knock out in one weekend. There is a very specific reason that this course lasts for six months – and that’s because you need it to WORK.

While you technically can binge watch Love U, watching 20 hours of videos in a weekend isn’t the way to digest this course. By making this achievable to even the busiest women, you have the best chance of getting great results – even if you really want to rush through as quickly as possible.

Okay, I’m sure you can help me, but what can you guarantee?

Love U can’t guarantee you a husband or a boyfriend, no more than a personal trainer can guarantee you lose 25 lbs, a therapist can guarantee you become happier, or a recruiter can guarantee you a specific job. Our unique community provides an invaluable, one-of-a-kind service — the ability to make smart, healthy relationship choices for the rest of your life.

And that’s what we CAN guarantee – that you will feel more confident, more self-aware, and more in control of your own destiny. You will no longer wonder why men do certain things. You will no longer take off years from dating out of fear. You will no longer stay in bad relationships for too long. You will be able to create your own love life from scratch, carry yourself with confidence, and attract a commitment oriented man.

What if I want a refund? Or to put my Love U Community Membership on hold?

If you sign up and decide this is not for you within the first 7 days, I offer a 100% full money-back guarantee. Just email us the reason you’re canceling, and we will process your refund ASAP.

After the initial 7 days there are no refunds or cancellations in the first six months of joining the Love U Community. These were the terms you agreed when you originally enrolled.


However, if you’re in a crisis that will make it impossible for you to participate (i.e. a loved one is seriously ill, not “I’m struggling at work and am too busy to date”), you can email us at loveu@evanmarckatz.com and we will evaluate things on a case-by-case basis. 


We endeavor to be fair and ask you to honor your original six month commitment – not to us, but to yourself. By joining our community, you’re declaring that finding lasting love is a top priority and you will do what it takes to persevere. 

What if I get a boyfriend and I don’t need any more coaching? Can I stop payment?

When you enroll in Love U, we make it clear on the checkout page that Love U is a 6-month minimum commitment – for both of us. Which is to say that we will continue to provide world-class coaching, and support for you, regardless of whether you take advantage of it.  We have three months of content (Understanding Men, Relationships and Commitment) on how to evaluate and maintain a relationship. Even if you really like a guy, it’s tricky to navigate your incompatibilities and decide if he’s really “the one.” So we’re thrilled if you’re happy with how quickly you found a man, but your journey isn’t done when you take down your profile and we don’t stop payment or offer refunds because we were successful.

About who Love U works for:

I have a bad picker. Will Love U help me?

Yep. In fact, it’s the primary purpose of the program. My belief is that you are wonderful the way you are. It doesn’t mean you can’t stand to learn things like how to write a great profile, how to flirt, and how to communicate effectively with men. But it does mean that the primary reason you have struggled in love isn’t YOU, but rather, your choice of men.

I’m in a relationship. Will Love U help me?

Yes. The first month on Confidence is extremely important, because if you don’t have confidence, it’s hard to make healthy relationship choices. And the last three months are exclusively focused on relationships: Understanding Men, Relationships, and Commitment.

Furthermore, apart from the week about online dating, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how relevant a lot of the dating stuff is to your relationships. Confidence matters. Past Baggage matters. Flirting matters. Courtship matters. And if, for god knows what reason, your relationship doesn’t work out, you have the dating tools to get back out there quickly. 

Some women come to Love U with boyfriends and learn to communicate better and strengthen their relationships. Many more discover during the first module on Confidence that their boyfriend is not the man they need him to be and gather the strength to break up, heal and move on to a healthier relationship – one that doesn’t require a dating coach.

I’m an older woman. Will Love U help me?

I know there are different challenges for a 60-year-old woman than a 35-year-old woman. But believe me when I tell you that 95% of dating and relationship advice is the exact same. We’re talking about men and women. Dating and relationship dynamics. Communication. Commitment. Confidence. Self-awareness.

You need to understand all of those things — at any age — if you’re going to succeed.

I have helped many women in their late 50’s through their late-70’s find partners, and I have no doubt that if you have a particular question, you will be able to turn to other older women who are Love U success stories – as well as me – for an answer.

I’m an Asian / Hispanic / African-American / Indian / Persian / Christian / Jewish woman. Will this help me?

My belief is this: 95% of all relationship dynamics are universal – in other words, they are relevant regardless of age, color or religion. This is not to say that 20-year-olds and 60-year-olds are the exact same or that African American women and Caucasian women are the same. It’s only to point out that most of what determines relationship success is not based on the 5% – it’s based on confidence, self-awareness, healthy communication skills, boundaries, optimism, warmth, and being able to assess your partner’s compatibility in the long run based on what’s important in a partner. Thus, I don’t have specific modules for blacks vs Asians vs. Hispanics – that would be impossible. I have, however, successfully helped women of all ages, colors, and religions understand men and find love since 2003.

What if I sign up but don’t have very many dating options in my small town?

Love U is a curriculum and a community. By joining now, you get lifetime access to this material whenever you see fit. Is it more useful if you’re actively dating? Possibly. But since you’re not going to pick up and move tomorrow, all we can do is make the best of your current circumstances. Listen, I helped a woman in the Yukon find a man from Minnesota who moved up to be with her. So I don’t think anything is impossible if you’re serious about finding love. Ultimately, your success is more about how you use Love U and this community than it is about the number of men in your small town.

In other words, somebody gets happily married in your local area. Why shouldn’t it be you?

It’s not the right time for me. I’m not in the right emotional place to think about dating.

I completely understand how you feel. I’ve been there personally and I’ve coached thousands of women who were equally burned out on men, dating and relationships.

Just know that the first month of Love U is all about healing. “Why Bother Syndrome,” “Past Baggage,” “Confidence,” and “Take Action” are the first four weeks…

So it’s certainly not my place to tell you that you’re ready to date yet. You have to take care of yourself emotionally. But that’s the point of the Love U Community. You can get courage to break up with a dead-end boyfriend, have time to heal after your break up, and learn how to date with joy and confidence when you’re ready. It’s all up to you.

I’m happier and more confident now than I’ve ever been in my life. Why should I join the Love U Community?

If you are satisfied with the status quo, you don’t need to join the Love U Community.

If you feel confident you can attract a quality commitment-oriented man for a long-term relationship, you don’t need to join the Love U Community.

If you feel you can effortlessly navigate online dating, texting, sex, dating multiple men, and create and maintain a lasting connection, you don’t need to join the Love U Community.

If you want to spare yourself a lot of frustration, confusion and heartbreak, the Love U Community will be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself.

What’s the point? Nothing I do ever works!

Because, when you’re in the Love U Community, you will never again make ANY of the same mistakes you’ve made in the past. With our help, you will stop investing your time in selfish heartbreakers and start investing your time in kind men with strong character who believe in commitment, and manifest the relationship you’ve always wanted. 

The reason to join the Love U Community is because you’re ready to break from the pain and confusion of the past. I’m showing you a path to a happy relationship; all you have to do is go through the course, ask questions, and implement what you learn.  

The only question is not whether you can afford to do this; it’s whether you can afford NOT to do this.  I think you already know the answer.