I joined Love U for two reasons. One, I had ended up on Evan’s email list and several of his emails literally seemed like they were talking directly to me. I always thought I was good at dating, because I could get dates. But if dating were baseball, I’m the girl that always got base hits and got tagged out before she got an actual run. The second reason I joined is because I’ve had huge success with fitness coaching, life coaching, why wouldn’t I do relationship coaching? Bad relationship choices have cost me a lot more personally and sometimes financially than I’ll ever spend on coaching

I didn’t really even know what I didn’t know when it came to dating.  I knew that doing the same things I was doing would get me the same results, and I certainly wasn’t happy with those. I wanted to know what I was doing that wasn’t effective and what things I could change to be more successful. I didn’t want just ANY relationship. I wanted a really good one.

Now I’m in an amazing marriage with a really wonderful man. Easily the best and most healthy relationship of my life.  And I’m happy. Really happy.  Not euphoric, this is too good to be true, when will the other shoe drop happy, but truly content, peaceful and so excited about the future.  Evan helped me to attract and keep an amazing man who makes me feel special and cherished and oh, by the way? He’s gorgeous. smart, funny and extremely successful – and that, my friend, is really just icing on the cake.

I feel as lucky and blessed in my relationship as I do in all the other areas of my life.  I used to wonder how I managed to figure out everything in life but love.  I thought the really amazing relationships were for someone else. Now I realize I just didn’t have the right mindset or tools. The adjustments I made were so minor, yet they had such an amazing impact on my life.

I can’t believe how much I learned from Love U. Not only was I shocked at how much Evan himself interacts with us, I was amazed by how supportive and knowledgeable and wonderful the women in Love U are. I even stayed in the group AFTER finding a great relationship because I value the input, collaboration and friendships with the woman I’ve met. It also gives me an opportunity to share what I’ve learned with new members.  I’m one of the participants who came in and did a lot of things the opposite of how Evan coaches us, fell right on my butt, dusted myself off, and then did it the right way and had these amazing results. If Evan and Love U helped me figure this out? He can do it for anyone.