What Would You Do If I Told You I Could Hand You Your Husband?

Today, I am giving you a step-by-step process
to create your own everlasting love! Imagine…

No more “What-ifs”… No more “Why did he…?” No more “I give up.”

No more fear. No more anxiety. No more second-guessing.

Introducing the…

Revolutionary Relationships Retreat

RRR – Sales Page Take 1-2

Join me for a three-day live adventure in San Diego from Friday, October 24th through Sunday, October 26th and create the love you’ve always dreamed about.

[button size=”big” align=”center” text=”APPLY NOW” url=”https://www.evanmarckatz.com/revolutionary-relationships-application/”]

You’ve been through it before. And it never gets any easier.

You’ve given up on dating more times than you can count.

You’ve stared at your cellphone, waiting for him to text, only to realize he’s already pulled away.

You’ve cried your eyes out to your girlfriends, wondering what you could do to make him love you the way you love him.

In moments of inspiration, you’ve declared to yourself that THIS was going to be the year that you finally met Mr. Right.

In fact, that has been your best explanation for your permanent love drought: the only reason you’re single is because you haven’t yet met Mr. Right. Sounds nice. Makes it sounds like all you have to do is get lucky and your problem will be solved.

Do you really think that’s true? Do you really think that the problem is strictly based on “luck?”

Think about it:

You’ve spent years suffering through dead-end relationships.

You’ve spent years on the sidelines avoiding getting hurt.

You’ve tortured yourself by believing that you should be able to recapture your blissful first few months all over again, despite all evidence to the contrary.

You may be brilliant, gorgeous, kind, successful, and loyal. But the above suggests that you’ve got a pretty bad track record when it comes to men. And there’s absolutely no evidence that anything is going to change any time soon.

There’s nothing “wrong” with you. You just have an objectively faulty man-picker. And I’m suggesting today that if I hypothetically handed you a man who’d be your perfect husband:

a) You wouldn’t even know it.

b) You wouldn’t know what to do with him.

Isn’t that scary? To know that your dating decision-making mechanisms are broken, or, at the very least, consistently off-the-mark?

It should be. Because unless you figure out why you keep choosing the wrong men, you will continue to choose them, over and over, in perpetuity. You’ll remain frustrated at what’s wrong with selfish guys, all the while letting yourself off the hook for choosing selfish guys

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to figure out early in the relationship whether a man is a good fit for your life?

Wouldn’t it feel incredible to have the ability to not only identify these dealbreakers early on?

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you had the confidence and courage to cut a man loose when he’s not making you happy?

Of course it would.

This is why I created my new Revolutionary Relationship Retreat.

Because you don’t want to waste more years of your life. Because you don’t want to count on luck. Because you suspect that you are partially responsible for the men you’ve chosen.

In one long weekend in late October, I am going to give you a blueprint to relationship success.

Your future husband is out there waiting. You just need help identifying him.

What’s Revolutionary About Revolutionary Relationships?

It was a lazy Saturday night in the Katz household.

I had just done the dishes, put my son to bed, and met my wife outside in the hot tub for some champagne under the stars.

I reflected on how lucky we were — how we both believe we hit the relationship lottery — and how that very belief sustains us, day by day.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that what I was talking about was something that was, indeed, revolutionary.

You’ve heard the old adage that “relationships are work”, right?

You’ve bought into that adage, because, sure enough, every relationship you’ve ever had has been nothing but work.

Work in dealing with men who only text, instead of calling.
Work at handling your emotions when you have sex with a guy who bails.
Work at being attracted to the wrong men, and turned off by the “nice” ones.
Work at cutting loose a man who has no desire to commit.
Work at recovering when you’ve sunk time and emotion into another loser.
Work at allocating time, negotiating your needs, and maintaining the spark.
Work at deciding how much of this you can put up with before you give up.

Let’s face it: based on your previous experience, you believe firmly that relationships are work. And if relationships are that much work, then what’s the point, after all?

I hear ya.

Except I firmly disagree with your central premise.

I believe that the best relationships are EASY.

I believe that you choose a secure partner who is committed to your happiness.

I believe you and your partner should agree on 95% of things, and that you can smoothly navigate the other 5%.

I believe that no matter what happens with that 5%, the disagreements are quick, and the negotiations never threaten to destabilize the relationship.

In other words, your relationship with your husband is like your relationship with your best friend in the entire world. Or your mom. Or your sister.

You accept each others’ imperfections, but you are as committed to each other as two people can possibly be.

If this sounds like something out of fantasyland, that’s because you’ve NEVER CHOSEN a man with whom you get along so well.

You’ve always chosen men who were insanely attractive and then lamented how hard it was to stay in a relationship with them.

Sorry, but that’s an outdated paradigm.

Revolutionary Relationships are, by definition, EASY. They don’t result in yelling, slamming doors, silent treatments, sleeping on the couch, awkwardness, confusion, anxiety, days without communication, and repeated break-ups.

The relationship you want is as solid as the foundation of your home.

Once you have that, you have EVERYTHING.

Life is love, and love should be easy. No matter what anyone else tells you.

This is what I have. This is what I believe in. And this is what I promise to you.

In three days, I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step process that can only result in one thing: the Revolutionary Relationship you deserve.

April Testimonial

Everything I’m doing in my Revolutionary Relationships Retreat is completely new.

You can scour the blog or read my newsletter, but I have never created anything as personal, interactive, and powerful as the process I have outlined for this retreat. When you are done, you’ll know everything you need to know to create a passionate, lasting relationship with a man who is 100% devoted to your happiness. Keep reading to learn how:

Session 1: Make Your First Impression

Most of us go our entire lives without ever understanding how we’re perceived by others. (Think of the men you’ve dated, for example) Now, through a stunning exercise, you’re going to get a window into what men think about you the first time they meet you. If this sounds scary, that’s because it is. It’s also Step 1 in connecting with the opposite sex in a more powerful fashion. Knowledge = Power.


Session 2: Accept Your Mission

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, you need to focus attention on what hasn’t been working. I will give you not one, but TWO powerful methods to reveal your blind spots, which have been holding you back from being your most authentic, confident self.


Session 3: Outline Your Path

You’ve heard people say that those who “fail to plan plan to fail”? It’s true. You don’t attain the love of your life by clicking your heels three times. Lasting love is the result of a series of choices that you make over time — choices that are consistent with your long-term goals. Join me in creating a map for your future that will inevitably lead you into a happy relationship.


Session 4: Challenge Your Beliefs

Revolutionary relationships are about getting along vs. being right, putting aside your ego, assuming the best in your partner, being self-aware, and eradicating your own insecurity. If any of that sounds difficult, we have some work to do. I have two mind-altering exercises that will change the way you look at men and relationships — in a good way!


Session 5: Create Your Relationship Timetable

So much of my job is helping women understand what is “normal.” When to meet a man, when to kiss a man, when to commit to a man, when to have sex with a man etc. Together, we’re going to take a look at your patterns and see how you’re going about finding love — or if you’re just winging it every time based on how you feel. I firmly believe that there are “best practices” to dating and that you should be well-versed in them before you get into any new relationship.


Session 6: Learn From Your Past Relationships

It’s easy to blame men for lying, cheating, bailing, and otherwise disappointing you. No one is defending those men. But you know who chose them? You. So if you’re going to have your own Revolutionary Relationship, how can you avoid the same mistakes you’ve made in your past? Do you date charmers? Slackers? Alpha males? Commitmentphobes? Once you take stock of your past, you will be able to create a bright new future in no time.


Session 7: Discover What Makes You Happy

Relationships are not one-size fits all, but there ARE some common themes to Revolutionary Relationships. It all begins with doing an accurate self-assessment as to what kind of woman you are, and what kind of man suits your needs. Do you avoid commitment out of fear of getting hurt? Do you gravitate to emotionally unavailable men who remind you of your father? Do you value quality time more than anything? Learn who you are and you will learn what kind of man you need as well.


Session 8: Find Your Complementary Partner

In “Believe in Love,” I wrote about how Cinderella needs to try on a LOT of shoes before she finds her Prince Charming. It’s true. But what happens if you keep putting on the same type of sexy, strappy shoes that are not built for the long run? You end up suffering — even though the result is predictable. For this retreat, I have created two simple exercises measuring your masculine and feminine energy. Try my exercises and see the value of trying on different types of men who are better fits for your life.


Session 9: Be a Flawless Communicator

I can hand you the perfect man on paper — but if he has anger issues, if he’s jealous, if he is impatient, if he is insulting, if he never wants to talk, or never wants to listen — you will NOT be happy in your relationship. Yet, it takes two to tango. Improve your communication, and you will improve your relationships. At my retreat, you’re going to analyze your communication style, see what it’s like to argue with yourself, and learn a foolproof method for discussing things with your boyfriend that leads to maximum love and minimum conflict.


Session 10: Discover Your Ideal Relationship Comfort Zone

Passion vs. Comfort. Chemistry vs. Compatibility. Compromising vs. Settling. These are the core issues confronting you as we complete our weekend’s work. Instead of assuming that any form of compromise will make you miserable, I want you to make healthy tradeoffs that lead to your ultimate happiness. This powerful session will show you how to get there.


Session 11: Choose Your Husband

Sounds like you’re ordering Mr. Right out of a catalog, doesn’t it? While it’s not quite that easy, I’m going to give you a tool for evaluating men that will forever help you toss the bad guys and hold onto the good ones. I have never written this down anywhere, and only share this with my private clients on our very last session together. This exercise is so powerful that it’s worth the cost of admission alone.


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I’ve been preparing for this retreat for a long time and I can’t wait to share my best never-before-seen stuff with you in an intimate group setting.

And when I say intimate, I mean intimate. I’m not doing an event to speak to a crowd of 300 women on stage. I’m doing this to get to know YOU, see YOU, hear YOU, and help YOU experience what it’s like to be in a safe, nurturing, lifetime relationship.

Yes, this relationship retreat is going to be spectacular, but I’m limiting it to a maximum of 16 highly motivated women. That’s all.

I want you to get personal attention. I want you to get results.

And to ensure the best possible experience for everyone involved, I’m going to ask you to fill out an application, letting me know why you want to go on this retreat.

I’m in, Evan. So What’s This Going to Cost?

Like you, I read a lot of free stuff on the Internet.

Like you, I take spending money very seriously.

Like you, I want to know I’m getting great value from any investment.

I remember when I was on the precipice of deciding whether I would hire a business coach in 2007. It would cost me $15,000 to work with her for the year. I agonized about my decision as if I were spending the very last dollar in my pocket.

It was scary, but I believed in her. I saw the value she offered. So I took a leap of faith. I may have paid her $1250/month for an entire year, but with her help, I hired my first assistant and created my first product, “Finding the One Online”.

It made $30,000 in the first month. The coach paid for herself.

Revolutionary Relationships will do the same for you — and then some. Now, before creating this retreat, I spent a few months kicking the tires of other coaches’ live events — seeing what they offer and what they charge.

One colleague of mine charges $100,000 for a seven-day retreat.
Another refuses to pay for the hotel and food.
Another offers only water for refreshments.

Let’s just say that this is not how I roll.☺

I want to take care of you the way I’d like to be taken care of. And since I happen to be married to an event planner who, for 16 years, took groups to five-star locations in Greece, Bali, and Tahiti, I am well-versed in what it takes to give you a smooth, luxurious, end-to-end experience that makes this retreat well worth your while.

So, no, I will not be charging you $100,000 to bond with me for three days.

I will not be charging you my normal day rate of $10,000/day for 3 days either.

Like your future relationship, I want this to be EASY.

So what would it feel like for you to be in your own Revolutionary Relationship?

How would it feel if, after 3 days in San Diego, you felt:


…at your new outlook on dating and relationships.


…that you have the skills to attract and keep the man of your dreams.


Peace of mind

…now that you don’t have to worry about what you’re doing “wrong.”


…at having connected with a group of women on the same path to love.



…in creating your destiny instead of waiting for Mr. Right to appear.


…how to connect with men and help them connect with you.



…and the humility to look in the mirror, take responsibility, and come out as a better person and partner.


…the experience, the laughter, and the memories of a group that sees you at your very best.



…what we’re all here for and what makes the world go ‘round.


…when you give me a big teary hug at the end of the weekend.


What’s the value of a safe, nurturing, fun, passionate lifetime relationship?

Of course, it’s priceless, but since I have to give this retreat a fair price, let’s review what you’re getting.

Did I mention that we’re staying at the ridiculously sexy Westin San Diego?

Westin, San Diego

And that the retreat will take place in The Presidential Suite?

Westin Presidential Suite

That’s 2000 square feet that occupies the entire 25th floor of the hotel. Yeah, I’m renting a FLOOR for you!

And that we’re going out for dinner, drinks, and some good old-fashioned flirting in the Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego?

Gaslamp Quarter

Gaslamp Quarter

And that when we’re done, you’re going to feel like THIS:

Revolutionary Relationship Retreat Happiness

You’re getting 3 days of intimate, personal coaching with 15 other women, broken out into 11 digestible sessions of my best material:

  • Session 1: Make Your First Impression
  • Session 2: Accept Your Mission
  • Session 3: Outline Your Path
  • Session 4: Challenge Your Beliefs
  • Session 5: Create Your Relationship Timetable
  • Session 6: Learn From Your Past Relationships
  • Session 7: Discover What Makes You Happy
  • Session 8: Find Your Complementary Partner
  • Session 9: Be a Flawless Communicator
  • Session 10: Discover Your Ideal Relationship Comfort Zone
  • Session 11: Choose Your Husband


Total Price: $9,997

But I’m not going to charge you $9,997 if you register by Friday, October 10th.

In fact, to reward the women are excited about this retreat and are ready to invest in their long-term happiness, I want to make this a no-brainer:

Get It All Right Now For Only $9,997 $5,997!

(Or 3 easy payments of $1,999)

But you must take action now, as this exclusive event is only limited to the first 16 accepted applicants. And this early-bird price only lasts until October 10th, after which you’ll have to pay $6,997, so don’t delay.

And if you have a second-thought as to whether even $5,997 is worth it, I want you to think of it like this:

My private clients get 12 hours of private coaching for $7,775.

When you join me at my Revolutionary Relationships Retreat, I’m offering you more than TWICE as much coaching (28 Hours!) for nearly HALF the price.

Not only that, but this retreat includes hotel, local transportation, food and beverage, a bunch of surprises, the relationships you’ll make with 15 other women, and the extraordinary results you’ll get from our intimate weekend together.

Apply now and I will set up a consultation, learn about you on the phone, and give you the opportunity to join me on this special journey.

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Why Do I Have to Apply to Come on This Retreat?

Simple. I want this Revolutionary Relationships Retreat to ROCK.

And the only way to ensure that it’s a top-quality event for every single woman involved is to personally vet each and every serious applicant. It’s a ton of work, but it’s necessary, to guarantee that our luxury suite is filled with only the most authentic, vulnerable, excited, proactive, coachable women on my entire mailing list.

When you’re done filling out the application (which should take about 10 minutes), you’ll schedule a half-hour consultation, I’ll read what you wrote, we’ll talk on the phone to see if this is the right fit for you, and I’ll let you know if you’ve been accepted.

Then, we’re off to the races.

You book a flight to San Diego.

I put together the most fun personal growth event that you can possibly imagine.

You fall in love, get engaged, and invite me to the wedding! 🙂

It all begins on October 24th.

I couldn’t be more excited about connecting with you in person and showing you the path to a successful committed relationship.

Applications are only open for a limited time and I’m filling up the 16 slots on a first come, first served basis.

That means the first people to apply are the most likely to attend.

So if you’re ready for the fun, growth and excitement of a 3-day retreat in San Diego from Friday, October 24 through Sunday, October 26th, click below to apply. I will talk to you soon, and let you know if you’re one of the 16 women who gets to learn the secrets to creating your own Revolutionary Relationship.

[button size=”big” align=”center” text=”APPLY NOW” url=”https://www.evanmarckatz.com/revolutionary-relationships-application/”]

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,

Evan Marc Katz

P.S. Still have questions about any of this? Feel free to email our support and we’ll take care of you.

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