Evan Marc Katz Pricing and Love U Pricing

You’re the woman who has everything except her man.

You look around the internet for dating relationship advice. 

You stumble upon this guy, Evan Marc Katz, with big ears and a Seinfeld-like voice who seems to know what he’s talking about when it comes to men.

You start watching his videos, listening to his podcasts, reading his blog posts, and now he’s got you thinking to yourself: “I’d like to have an easy relationship. I want unconditional love. I want to feel safe, heard, and understood!”

So you start Googling this dating coach: Who is Evan Marc Katz? What is Love U? How do you get coaching in Love U? Does Love U work? What’s your success rate? What does Love U cost? How do I apply to Love U

What you see is even more confusing. There’s an article Glamour wrote about me in 2008. There’s another one from the Guardian in 2014. There’s some trash talk I won’t get into.

But there’s nothing about Love U. Nothing about pricing. Nothing from the smart, strong, successful women who have taken the course and found love.

That’s why I’ve put this together for you.

Who is dating coach Evan Marc Katz?

Everything you need to know about me can be answered right here on my About Me page. It’s not some corporate bio; it tells the real story about how a late-blooming screenwriter switched careers, wrote a few books about dating, became the world’s first dating coach for women, figured out what he was doing wrong as a single guy, got married, and took his 10 years of dating experience and 10 years of dating coaching experience to create his signature course, Love U.

What is Love U?

Love U is everything I know in one place – a comprehensive curriculum to teach you everything you need to know to find lasting love. In Love U, I walk you through six modules outlined in my Pyramid of Love: Confidence, Meeting Men, Dating, Understanding Men, Relationships, and Commitment. Give me 5 minutes a day, and I’ll give you a husband.

How do you get coaching in Love U?

After launching Love U in 2015, I realized my clients got the best results when they were able to ask questions, connect with other women, and get regular support to prevent them from lapsing into old patterns.

In 2021, I relaunched Love U as Love U Live – with lifetime access to the Love U curriculum, weekly Q&A coaching calls on Zoom and an active private Facebook community of smart, strong, successful women around the world.

If you’re really interested in dating and relationship coaching and fixing your broken man-picker, I highly recommend you read all about Love U Live right here.

Does Love U work?

Yes. And it’s not just me saying that. Obviously, I can’t guarantee that everyone graduates with a boyfriend. But virtually all Love U members report having gained confidence, self-awareness, the ability to navigate online dating, the belief that they should keep their standards high and never settle, the willingness to let go of men who don’t make them feel safe, and the knowledge that a good relationship should feel easy. These Love U graduates got married, told their husbands about me, and posted photos on my website. You can imagine how many other women also found love but were too embarrassed to admit they had a dating coach.

What’s your success rate?

I wrote about this on my Love U Live FAQ

I think it’s perfectly relevant to ask a question about “marriage rates” from a dating and relationship coach. However, that is not a metric by which I – or anyone else – can measure his success. Please allow me to explain a little further.

 Put it this way: if a personal trainer helped a 400lb man lose 150lbs, is he a success or a failure? Well, the man is STILL 250lbs, but I’d say the trainer was a big success. That’s how Love U works as well. I will never make promises I can’t keep. You’ll never hear me say that 78% of my clients get married in the next 12 months. That’s for a few reasons:

  1. I have no control over your actions. If I give great advice and it’s not followed, I can’t be held responsible for your love life.
  2. I can’t keep track of what my clients do after they’re done with me. I may work with you in Love U for six months. But if you’re following my advice, you shouldn’t get married for 2-3 years. Unless you come back to inform me you’re married, I’d have no idea.
  3. Progress isn’t only about getting a ring on the finger. A woman who hasn’t dated in 10 years is a success by getting online. A woman who normally stays with abusive men for five years is a success if she dumps a bad guy in 6 weeks. A woman who has a happy relationship but doesn’t want to get married is a success. You see? They’re all steps towards the same ultimate goal – gaining confidence, fixing your broken man-picker, and making healthy relationship choices.

 So do I have hundreds of marriages to my credit? Yes. But I measure my success based on whether my clients tell me they’ve learned something valuable and empowering. I’m confident that when you join Love U, you will have the same exact experience.

What does Love U cost?

You probably skimmed the rest of this page just to get to this question. I get it. So here’s the deal: I frequently update my pricing because I’m constantly trying to improve Love U for your benefit.

In the years before I created Love U, my longest coaching program was 12 weeks. Eventually, I realized that I could teach you everything about dating in 3 months, but we couldn’t get too far in discussing relationships. That’s why, when I launched Love U in 2015, I focused the first three months of content on dating and the next three months on relationships. 

I thought I created the perfect program. I was wrong.

In 2019, I realized that too many women were joining but not making it through the course (very much like signing up at the gym and not going). So if Love U is like a gym and I’m like a personal trainer, I only wanted clients who were willing to put in the time and energy into making this a success. That fall, I removed the ability to sign up for coaching online and started taking new Love U members by application only.

This significantly lowered the number of women in Love U. So instead of 300 women on a group teleconference, we’d have 30 women sharing on a smaller Zoom call. More personal attention equaled better results. To ensure the group never got too big, I raised my prices twice. Love U is now the perfect blend of group interaction and individual coaching – the program I always wanted it to be.

The point is that since I don’t have the ability to update the internet every time I change my prices, I no longer post my prices online.

Love U pricing is something we discuss at the end of our free Love U Breakthrough call after you apply for coaching. My coaching recommendation depends on your desire for success, your income, and whether I feel you’re a better fit for group coaching (Love U Live) or private coaching (Love U Masters and Elite).

That may not feel like a satisfying answer, but I can assure you this: when you enroll in Love U Live, you get lifetime access to Love U, an incredible community of smart, successful women to support you, and two hours of coaching with me each week for six months.

When you finally get the man of your dreams, I promise you won’t be thinking about how much it cost to make it happen.

Hint: Love U costs less than  matchmakers and offers much more personal attention and coaching than a few days of watching Matthew Hussey onstage. 

How do I apply to Love U Live?

It doesn’t matter where you live, what you do, how old you are, or how you look. I can help you find love. Love U has graduates in India, Australia, Norway, Serbia, South Africa, England, Spain, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, and all over the United States, Canada, and Mexico. We’ve had clients in their mid-20s and clients in their mid-70’s.

What determines your success is you. If you’re a successful woman tired of being alone, if you’re frustrated with dating apps, if you’re confused about the behavior of men, if this is the one thing in your life that isn’t working and you can’t figure out, I will take care of you and show you what it’s like to be loved.

So, please, watch this informational video about how to gain confidence, attract quality men and create lasting love, and, when you’re done, fill out the Love U application below.

If you’re qualified, you’ll be taken to a calendar to book a breakthrough session to see if you’re a good fit for Love U. During our hour on Zoom, we’ll lay out your pricing options, enroll you in the course, and give you all the tools you need to finally get the relationship you deserve.  

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I can’t wait to hear your Love U success story.
