Love U
You’re a catch. Everybody tells you so. Yet you remain frustrated and confused at your inability to find lasting love.
If any of those “maybes” resonate, a dating coach can help – by restoring your confidence and showing you how to trust your ability to choose the right partner.
You’ve gone to college, put in 50 hours a week at work, and done plenty of self-help. But have you ever joined a community of women committed to creating lasting love? Welcome to the Love U Community – the world’s most effective coaching program in helping high-achieving women get the passionate, secure relationship they deserve.
If you are tired of taking care of your clients, kids, and parents without anyone taking care of you, I understand. You need someone to hold your hand, to believe in you, to remind you to never settle, and to demonstrate what it feels like to be loved unconditionally.
That’s what I do as your dating coach and that’s why I created the Love U Community.
For the first time, you can turn to other successful women who are going through the same process, sharing the same feelings, and leaning on each other for support. By watching the dating advice in Love U and getting all of your relationship questions answered, you’ll learn to trust your judgment with men and raise your relationship standards. Soon, you’ll have a high-quality partner who always makes you feel safe, heard, and understood.
Join me and hundreds of other Love U success stories.
Life is simply better when it’s shared.
With a rare blend of wit, wisdom and warmth, the Love U
Podcast teaches you exactly how to get the relationship you
deserve – without settling. Enjoy over 300 Episodes with
new ones each week!
I've been listening and reading for a few years now and Evan's advice has guided me extremely well - it's like having the big brother I never had! I'm divorced and in my early 50's and I wish I knew back then what I know now. Evan's advice resonates very well with me. Even though I'm in a great relationship now I still find his pod cast enlightening! Thank you Evan!